The National Association of Inventors of Macedonia (NAIM) presented its new project “Balkan Patent Initiative”, which is welcomed by all national associations of inventors in the region and beyond.
This project will provide inventors in the region with greater facilitation in applying for their patents, primarily in neighboring countries, but also beyond, both administratively and materially.
The Law on Patents of R. Northern Macedonia, as well as the European Patent Convention provide for the registration of a domestic patent in another country to be done through an authorized representative, which increases the costs for the inventors and complicates the administrative procedure. This primarily affects the innovators as individuals. This situation completely blocks the flow of patents, especially between the countries of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which is evident and easily verifiable. Fortunately, the Patent Act as well as the European Patent Convention allow for bilateral state agreements, which makes this project easily achievable.
For these reasons, NAIM recently had a working meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia. Northern Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Zaev. The idea for this project and the manner of its realization were presented. The Prime Minister expressed great interest and support for the project, which would enrich the idea of “mini Schengen” which would bring great benefits to all countries involved in each, and especially in economic terms.
At this working meeting, the inventors presented proposals for improving the situation related to the realization of domestic patents. In the world in general, patents make a high contribution to domestic economies. It is pointed out that the rate of our realized domestic patents, in relation to developed countries is insignificant.
Improving this situation requires greater communication with state institutions, some of which are insufficiently inclined towards domestic patents, or do not show interest in this activity at all, which occupies a high place in developed countries. There is also a need for mutual communication between the institutions regarding the support in the realization of patents. Institutions that are more or less related to patents are: the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development, the Chamber of Commerce of RS. Macedonia, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, State Office of Industrial Property, etc. Communication between these institutions regarding domestic patents is at a very low level, so that inventors are forced to wander from one institution to another.
Apart from the State Office for the Protection of Industrial Property, with which NAIM has excellent cooperation, there is almost no communication with other institutions, primarily due to their lack of interest in domestic patents and innovations.
At this meeting are presented the problems that NAIM faces in carrying out its mission and ways to solve them, which above all requires a full understanding of the importance and role of NAIM for the development of the domestic economy and society.
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expressed full understanding and readiness to support NAIM and domestic innovators.